Mette Louise Kaagaard


16:30 - 19:00


Bookings closed


CBS – Solbjerg Plads, lokale SPs13 Kunde & Co. Aud.
Solbjerg Plads 3, Frederiksberg, 2000

Mette Louise Kaagaard, CEO at Microsoft Denmark and Iceland, particularly hopes that the next generation will change one thing, which she calls “absolutely crucial” for successful leadership.

That is diversity.

“It becomes very, very important in order to handle the major agendas that one has a diverse leadership,” says Mette Louise Kaagaard, referring to agendas such as climate, geopolitics, and artificial intelligence.

Agendas, which according to her, place increasingly greater demands on leaders’ resilience.

It has become a global game for many companies. We have also seen this in recent years.

Rising cybercrime, Russian offensive war, and the development of generative AI are some examples of events with “enormous impact on companies.”

In her eyes, leaders’ ability to tackle these events is closely linked with diversity and outlook.

This is an excerpt from Finans, the topic of which Mette Louise Kaagaard will talk about, among other areas of her personal career path.


Bookings are closed for this event.