Lotte Svalgaard


16:30 - 19:00


Bookings closed


CBS – Solbjerg Plads, lokale SPs13 Kunde & Co. Aud.
Solbjerg Plads 3, Frederiksberg, 2000

Author of The Elephant in the Room – Engaging with the Unsaid in Groups and Organizations, Leadership Consultant at INSEAD, Senior Partner at Action Lab Aps, Co-creator of MY Space – Mobilizing Potential

Join us when CBS International Business Club invites author Lotte Svalgaard to work on 18 February at 16.30 – 18.00.

Lotte Svalgaard is a Ph.D. and cand.psych.aut. She is an executive coach and management development consultant at INSEAD, an independent organizational psychologist and a senior partner in Action Lab, where the focus is on business-driven action learning.

Lotte Svalgaard is the author of the book: WITH THE ELEPHANT AT WORK is a workbook that deals with the difficult movement from avoidance to action. It guides with help, support and tips to get started precisely where it will make a difference for the individual, the group and the overall organisation.

WITH THE ELEPHANT AT WORK tackles ten difficult challenges in working with elephants in groups and organisations:

  1. What do I do when I don’t see the signals?
  2. What do I do when I avoid what I am uncomfortable with?
  3. What is the next step when I step into the uncertain and stand in the difficult?
  4. How can I say the difficult thing?
  5. What do I do when there is no psychological security?
  6. What do I do when there is power in the room?
  7. How do I encounter self-staging and pretending?
  8. What do I do when it’s always me who “is the one”?
  9. How do I get hold of the big elephants who have lived far too long?
  10. What is the right timing and dosage when I have to address elephants?


Bookings are closed for this event.